Difference between revisions of "DreamCatcher"

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Line 86: Line 86:
|NAME=LED1 / Pckts
|NAME=LED1 / Pckts
|DESCRIPTION=Flashes with Outernet Packets are Received
|DESCRIPTION=Flashes with Outernet Packets are Received
|NOTES=Unused in Armbian
|NOTES=Unused in Armbian
Line 95: Line 96:
|NAME=LED2 / Flock
|NAME=LED2 / Flock
|DESCRIPTION=Satellite Lock Indicator on when satellite signal is locked
|DESCRIPTION=Satellite Lock Indicator on when satellite signal is locked
|NOTES=Unused in Armbian
|NOTES=Unused in Armbian
Line 104: Line 106:
|NOTES=Unused in Armbian
|NOTES=Unused in Armbian
Line 113: Line 116:
|NOTES=Unused in Armbian
|NOTES=Unused in Armbian
Line 122: Line 126:
|NOTES=Unused in Armbian
|NOTES=Unused in Armbian
Line 131: Line 136:
|NOTES=Unused in Armbian
|NOTES=Unused in Armbian
Line 140: Line 146:
|DESCRIPTION=sdcard activity indicator. equivalent of the HDD activity light
|DESCRIPTION=sdcard activity indicator. equivalent of the HDD activity light
Line 149: Line 156:
|DESCRIPTION=heartbeat: flashes when kernel is booted and working normally.
|DESCRIPTION=heartbeat: flashes when kernel is booted and working normally.
|NOTES=long off, N short flashes, long off, repeat, where N = 2 * Load_Average  
|NOTES=long off, N short flashes, long off, repeat, where N = 2 * Load_Average  
Line 158: Line 166:
|DESCRIPTION=Power: White LED, on when board is powered.  
|DESCRIPTION=Power: White LED, on when board is powered.  
Line 167: Line 176:
Line 176: Line 186:
Line 186: Line 197:
|DESCRIPTION=USB Hub Indicator Light, Green when active
|DESCRIPTION=USB Hub Indicator Light, Green when active
|USAGE=On / Off = brightness
|NOTES=Turning this off, will disable all USB ports.
|NOTES=Turning this off, will disable all USB ports.

Revision as of 09:31, 14 July 2017

Setting up the OS

There are two OSs that you can use on the DreamCatcher.

Standard ARM Linux OS based on Debian, Highly supported but does NOT have build in support for Outernet. This OS requires lots of tweaking to up and going...
Compress_plain_32x32.png Armbian for DreamCatcher, V5.27

Os based on Busybox is read only and has the full Outernet system ready to go. This is the one to use if you want to play with outernet with no tweaking
Compress_plain_32x32.png Skylark, for the Passive Antenna, Released May 14, 2017
Compress_plain_32x32.png Skylark, for the Active Antenna, Released June 22, 2017

Burning the image to an SD Card

A microSD greater than 4GB in size is required.

Extract the image

It is compressed using "gzip.", many common Unzipping tools on your chosen OS can un-compress these.

Linux / OSx
gunzip [filename.gz]
use 7Zip

Write the image to the SD card

the best way to burn the SD card is by using etcher here---> https://etcher.io/

Startup the DreamCatcher with Armbian Distro

1) Insert SD card into Dreamcatcher board slot marked "SD0_OS," next to LED array.

2) insert the USB Wifi Dongle, or other USB network device if you have it.

3) Optionally - connect the USB Cable to your PC with a terminal application open.

4) connect power to a USB port, or alternatively the USB cable to PC can provide power

after the bootup process you should see a "Dreamcatcher Login:" prompt

Default Username
Default Password

Configure Wifi

To connect to wifi network, use command line:

nmcli d wifi connect your_ssid password your_password

or using the text UI:


to check assigned ip use:


SSID/password, once configured, will be stored, and should be applied automatically at next boot.

Install The RTL-SDR Libraires and Utilities

To install librtlsdr and sdr utilities like rtl_fm etc, use:

apt update; apt install rtl-sdr

(you will need to have already connected to network for this to work)

Shutting Down

Unlike Skylark, the root filesystem here is modified and is writeable, so it is important you shut this down properly:

sudo poweroff

Board LEDS

LED1 / Pckts
Description Flashes with Outernet Packets are Received
Color Green
Default at Boot OFF
SysFs Device /sys/class/leds/packet
Notes Unused in Armbian

LED2 / Flock
Description Satellite Lock Indicator on when satellite signal is locked
Color Red
Default at Boot OFF
SysFs Device /sys/class/leds/lock
Notes Unused in Armbian

Description SNR indicator
Color Blue
Default at Boot OFF
SysFs Device /sys/class/leds/snr1
Notes Unused in Armbian

Description SNR indicator
Color Blue
Default at Boot OFF
SysFs Device /sys/class/leds/snr2
Notes Unused in Armbian

Description SNR indicator
Color Blue
Default at Boot OFF
SysFs Device /sys/class/leds/snr3
Notes Unused in Armbian

Description SNR indicator
Color Blue
Default at Boot OFF
SysFs Device /sys/class/leds/snr4
Notes Unused in Armbian

Description sdcard activity indicator. equivalent of the HDD activity light
Color Green
Default at Boot OFF
SysFs Device /sys/class/leds/storage

Description heartbeat: flashes when kernel is booted and working normally.
Color Green
Default at Boot OFF
SysFs Device /sys/class/leds/heartbeat
Notes long off, N short flashes, long off, repeat, where N = 2 * Load_Average

Description Power: White LED, on when board is powered.
Color White
Default at Boot ON
SysFs Device

LED10 / AGP3
Color Red
Default at Boot
SysFs Device

Color Green
Default at Boot
SysFs Device

Description USB Hub Indicator Light, Green when active
Color {{{COLOR}}}
Default at Boot ON
SysFs Device /sys/class/leds/usbhuben
Usage On / Off = brightness
Notes Turning this off, will disable all USB ports.

RF Ports

There are two RF ports on the DreamCatcher, they are labeled "LNA_IN" (at the corner of the board), and "LNA_BYPASS". They are SMA Type connections. To enable them you will write a 0 or a 1 to the appropriate SYSFS file location. Writing a 1 will enable it, and a 0 will disable it. if you enable one, you must disable the other;

NOTE: you must be a Superuser to control these... use "sudo su" first


This is normally selected when you are using an external LNA, or Active Antenna
echo 1 > /sys/class/leds/rfswitch1/brightness
echo 0 > /sys/class/leds/rfswitch2/brightness

Enable LNA_IN

This would be used with a passive antenna or internal LNA
echo 0 >  /sys/class/leds/rfswitch1/brightness
echo 1 >/sys/class/leds/rfswitch2/brightness

Enable LNA_BYPASS Bias Tee

To Enable the bias tee, use the following commands
NOTE: 68 mA current limit set by R76/100k
echo 119 > /sys/class/gpio/export
echo out > /sys/class/gpio/gpio119/direction
echo 1 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio119/value

Outernet Specific Applications

ONDD Setup

FTP to a DreamCatcher, copy the following files off of the system... be SURE to FORCE binary transfer.
/usr/sbin/ondd (md5:207723be33f4da57bd64a6549e11e95d)
/usr/sbin/ontimeout (md5:5092f17f0152ca352799290999ba7a6c)

Create an empty conf file
Create a place to place downloads
/home/downloads (or wherever)
Create a place for download cache
Run ondd with the following command:
/usr/sbin/ondd -d --pid_file /var/run/ondd.pid --cfg-gile [empty cfg file you created] -c [location for download cache] -o [location for completed downloads] -D /var/run/ondd.data --sdr-timeout-handler /usr/sbin/ontimeout

Command Help

[Skylark][outernet@outernet:/usr/sbin]$ /usr/sbin/ondd -h

00:11:21.099 [main] Unable to load config: /etc/ondd.conf (null)
Usage: ondd
--cfg-file CONFIG_FILE override default config file location
--pid-file PID_FILE override default pid file location
--ctrl-sock SOCK_FILE override default control socket path used for ipc
--status-sock SOCK_FILE override default status report socket path - status e
--cert-file CERT_FILE override default ceritificate file location
-D SOCK_FILE data socket path to which the demodulator sends raw s
--sdr-timeout-handler script to execute if no data arrives through the date
-o PATH path to output directory where downloaded files are d
-c PATH path to cache directory where partially downloaded fd
-O PATH if specified, files which path does not begin with td
-b N set the maximum number of download completion eventsy
-d start ondd in daemon mode
-i print to stdout the current signal strength and snr,d
-V enable verbose mode
-v display ondd version info
-h display this helptext

ADS-B reception using dump1090

Install Updates and Base Packages

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
sudo apt install rtl-sdr librtlsdr-dev pkg-config build-essential
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/keenerd/rtl-sdr/master/rtl-sdr.rules
sudo mv rtl-sdr.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/
sudo reboot

Install dump1090

Download and compile dump1090 (one time only):

mkdir adsb
cd adsb
git clone https://github.com/MalcolmRobb/dump1090
cd dump1090


Hook-up a 1090MHz antenna, suitable for ADS-B reception to the LNA_BYPASS RF input of Dreamcatcher. You can find some good starting points here: http://discussions.flightaware.com/ads-b-flight-tracking-f21/three-easy-diy-antennas-for-beginners-t20177.html

Running dump1090

echo 1 | sudo tee /sys/class/leds/rfswitch1/brightness
echo 0 | sudo tee /sys/class/leds/rfswitch2/brightness
./dump1090 --interactive --net

NOTE: The “rfswitch1” and “rfswitch2” lines are not strictly necessary, but will not hurt anything - the Dreamcatcher Armbian image ships with the LNA bypass enabled by default.

Accessing dump1090 Via the Network

View http://<ip of dreamcatcher>:8080 in your browser.

If you have a mdns-capable network and OS, you should be able to access your dreamcatcher using the name “dreamcatcher.lan”, once it has registered on your wifi network - i.e. you can just type http://dreamcatcher.lan:8080 into your browser.

Running the Dreamcatcher SDR from another System

The SDR on the dreamcatcher is connected the the CPU via USB, this connection can be changed to an external USB and the SDR can be connected to another systems USB. Doing this will prevent the SDR from being used by the dreamcatcher.

To Do this:

  1. Populate USB1 connector (or just solder wires for a usb pigtail cable)
  2. Remove R72 and R73 and move them to the R116 and R117 footprints.

This will disconnect the SDR from the usb hub on the DreamCatcher and route it's usb to the external cable.

Listen to FM broadcasts

Its possible to listen to standard FM broadcast radio using the Dreamcatchers SDR.

Install necessary Software

sudo apt install rtl-sdr sox

Enable sound output through the 3.5mm TRRS connector


Enable every column except the second and third by pressing “m” (for mute/unmute) when the column is selected. Use the keyboard left-arrow and right-arrow keys to move among the columns. For the second column, use up-arrow and down-arrow keys to adjust output volume. Be careful to not set it too high; if the column color changes to white, it has been set too high. Leave the third column muted.

You may have to reset theseAon every boot. Alternatively, you can save and restore them using: sudo /usr/sbin/alsactl store sudo /usr/sbin/alsactl restore

Connect a TRRS (tip-ring-ring-sleeve) headset cable - the kind you might use with an Android phone - to the 3.5mm connector on Dreamcatcher that is labelled “headphn”. This has 4 conductors - a “normal” set of headphones has 3.

Run this:

rtl_fm -f 104.7M -M fm -s 340k -A fast -r 32k -l 0 -E deemp | play -r 32k -t raw -e s -b 16 -c 1 -V1 -

More information about the various command line options is at the rtl_fm homepage at http://kmkeen.com/rtl-demod-guide/

Obviously, the most important one is the -f option for selecting the tuned frequency. You may also have to play around with the -s if the output is noisy. FM broadcasts tend to be quite powerful signals, and I have not needed an antenna for receiving any of the local stations, but in case of bad reception, just adding a sub-1M SMA cable at the LNA_BYPASS RF input of the Dreamcatcher should improve reception dramatically.