W - Wire
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the 1920 catalogue calls out B&S gauge. abbreviations signify: AWG = American Wire Gauge, B&S = Brown & Sharpe SWG = Imperial Standard Wire Gauge
- W-1, #14 Ant. 7 strands of #22, 100-Lb. bare copper
- W-2, #14 solid, bare copper
- W-3, lamp cord, single conductor, #16, rubber with black cotton cover
- W-4, lamp cord, #16,
- W-5,
- W-6, counterpoise, #16,
- W-7, annunciator, double cotton,
- W-8, lamp cord, 2-conductor, #16,
- W-9, High Tension, 50.000 volts
- W-10, lamp cord, 2-conductor, #10, red and black,
- W-11, 2-conductor, #12, black and red
- W-12
- W-13
- W-14
- W-15, lamp cord, 2-conductor, #20, black and red.
- W-16, #24 bare coper
- W-17, #12, stranded, rubber 600 volts
- W-18, 3-conductor cable, #14, red white and black,
- W-19, antenna, #14 stranded, bare, Phosphor-bronze
- W-20, 7 strands of #30, ruber, white silk braided
- W-21
- W-22
- W-23
- W-24 bare braided antenna.
- W-25
- W-26, high tension, 20.000 volts
- W-27, antenna,
- W-28, antenna,
- W-29, antenna,
- W-30, counterpoise #16,
- W-31, inside twisted pair,
- W-32, inside twisted pair,
- W-33, house wire.
- W-34, pot head wire, twisted pair,
- W-35, cross connecting, twisted piar,
- W-36, cross connecting, twisted piar,
- W-37, bridle wire,
- W-38, outside distributing wire, #17,
- W-39, field wire, single conductor,
- W-40, field wire, 2-conductor twisted pair
- W-41, light field wire, french type, single conductor, 3 bronze wires, each 20.1 Mils. rubber, cotton.
- W-42, outpost wire,
- W-43, outpost wire,
- W-44, outpost wire,
- W-45, buzzer,
- W-46, buzzer,
- W-47, bronze, hard drawn, bare, #17,
- W-48, weatherproof, single #12,
- W-49, ?
- W-50, outside, twisted pair, #14,
- W-51,
- W-52
- W-53
- W-54
- W-55, lamp cord,
- W-56
- W-57
- W-58
- W-59
- W-60
- W-61
- W-62
(NOTE 1920 catalogue ends here)
- W-63
- W-64
- W-65
- W-66
- W-67
- W-68
- W-69
- W-70, sound ranging ? 1924
- W-71
- W-72
- W-73
- W-74
- W-75
- W-76
- W-77
- W-78
- W-79
- W-80
- W-81
- W-82
- W-83
- W-84, Messenger
- W-85, Messenger
- W-86
- W-87
- W-88
- W-89, Messenger
- W-90, Messenger
- W-91
- W-92
- W-93
- W-94
- W-95
- W-96
- W-97
- W-98
- W-99
- W-100, insulated line wire, #12 solid, weatherproof
- W-101, insulated line wire, #10 solid, weatherproof
- W-102
- W-103
- W-104
- W-105
- W-106, trailing ant. #18,
- W-107
- W-108
- W-109
- W-110 field phone
- W-111
- W-112, magnet
- W-113, magnet
- W-114
- W-115, messenger
- W-116, messenger
- W-117
- W-118
- W-119
- W-120, trailing ant. #16, same as W-29
- W-121
- W-122
- W-123
- W-124, aircraft ignition cable. #14, rubber with outside braid
- W-125, same as W-124, except 2 parallel conductors
- W-126, automotive lighting wire #14, cotton, black lacquer finish, SCR-194
- W-127
- W-128, Ant. same as 124 except no braid.
- W-129
- W-130, assault, phone,
- W-131, Shielded #18, single, 16 strands of #30, tinned copper, 1/32" rubber, woven tinned copper shield OD-0.150.
- W-132, Yellow, Belden,
- W-133, Red, Belden,
- W-134, Blue, Belden,
- W-135, Brown, Belden,
- W-136, green, Belden,
- W-137, Black, Belden,
- W-138, White, Belden,
- W-139, White, Belden,
- W-140, Black, Belden,
- W-141, Hoisting cable, steel, 1/8 inch, GY-32
- W-142, Tirex, type-S, SCR-284
- W-143, parallel laid, long range tactical wire
- W-144
- W-145
- W-146, like W-128 except #12, For SCR-506
- W-147
- W-148, Phosphor, 300 Ft. RL-48, BC-778, SCR-578
- W-149
- W-150