equipment, type RB-21; radio:
- 1 set box, type BC-7 ; u. w. radio telegraph.
- 4 legs for set box, type BC-7.
- 1 cord, type CD-87 ; 350-volt leads, generator to set box.
- 1 cord, type CD-86 ; 8-volt leads, generator to set box.
- 1 cord, type CD-88 ; 3-conductor, set box to dry batteries.
- 1 box, type BC-102 ; for batteries and accessories.
- 9 tubes, type VT-5 ; 3 in use, 6 spares.
- 4 adapters, type FT-65 ; 3 in use, 1 spare.
- 12 batteries, dry, No. 6 ignition closed-cirucit type, 3 in use, 9 spare.
- 4 batteries, type BA-8 ; 2 in use, 2 spare.
- 9 tubes, type VT-2 ; 4 in use, 5 spare.
- 2 head sets, type P-11.
- 1 voltmeter, type I-10.
- 1 tool roll, type BG-10.
- 1 wrench, 4-inch, single end, 7/16-inch opening.
- 1 file, 4-inch, bastard, warding.
- 1 file, 6-inch, bastard.
- 1 knife, Empire No. 1013.
- 1 pliers, round nose, 6-inch, side cutting.
- 1 pliers, .6-inch, side cutting.
- 1 handle, file.
- 1 screw driver, 2-inch blade.
- 1 screw driver. 4-inch blade.
- 1 wrench, 9-inch, double end, 7/8-inch and l 1/16-inch opening.
- 1 spool wire, copper, spare.
- 2 pounds wire, type W-7.
- 1 pound tape, friction, f-inch.