The COM 201B antenna is a commercial (from Atlantic Microwave Corporation) VHF/UHF vertically polarized, omnidirectional antenna that has become popular due to its versatility and unique design. The antenna was originally used by the USMC and is now a standard USMC item. It has a tripod leg structure that allows the antenna to be mounted directly on the ground or in a standard communications mast and can be quickly assembled and disassembles for transport and storage which makes it ideal in situations where there is not enough time to erect the OE-254.
Note. The COM 201B is not an Army issued replacement for the OE-254 antenna.
The antennas ease of operations makes it ideal for a field expedient antenna or mounting to a vehicle if more elevation is needed. The eye fitting at the top of the antenna facilitates suspending it from buildings or trees when a mast isn’t available but more height is desired.
- The COM 201B antenna has the following characteristics and capabilities
- Operates in the 30–88 MHz range.
- Vertically polarized.
- Input impedance of 50 ohms unbalanced with an average VSWR of 3:1 or less, at RF power levels up to 200 watts.
- Maximum power is directed towards the horizon with a typical antenna gain of +2dB relative to an isotropic source.
- One individual can assemble and erect.
- Assembly can be stored in a space less than 36 inches by 10 inches indiameter.